Finally! One application that would hopefully not create a controversy in the Apple App Store! The non-profit WikiMedia foundation has published the "Wikipedia Mobile" application for Wikipedia buffs with iPhones.
The application, like Wikipedia, is free and provides "quick and easy access" to all sorts of information. Well, that is precisely what the web version of Wikipedia does too. So, what's the big deal here? Well, the app is supposedly "easier to use" than the web version. It also bundles with it a feature of saving your Wikipedia browsing history for quick access.
While this is the official application, there are already existing apps for the iPhone that offers Wikipedia access with more features. However, adding more features seems to be something that would be taken up later. The primary focus it seems is to offer speed and simplicity to the application. The application will get new features in its future versions. The Wikimedia Foundation will keenly observe requests from users, and welcomed contributions from other developers and programmers as well.
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