The new game begins where the second installment ends. Sev and Rico will take on the Helghast army after Scolar Visari is killed and most ISA forces are wiped out at the end of Killzone 2. Herman Hulst, managing director of Guerilla Games, stated that every new level will have its own distinct feel right from the start in Killzone 3. The Jetpack from Killzone Liberation game for PSP will return and make room for aerial combat game play.
The story of Killzone 3, as stated by Hulst, goes something like this (Killzone 2 Spoiler here):
So with Visari gone, there's a power vacuum on Helghan where figures like Stahl, the head of the Helghan weapon producer, are vying for power. Essentially, the surviving ISA soldiers are caught in the middle of a catfight when what they really need is to get the hell off the planet and return to Vekta. On the ground, this political situation changes the nature of the conflict. The Helghan are now in the ascendency and they are bringing a great deal of new technology to the fray. The result for the player is that you'll be encountering new weapons and enemy types with their own distinct behaviour.
Of course there would be multi-player option which is an important part of the game and quite honestly, a lot of gamers make the best of it. The most interesting aspect of the game is that it would be playable in stereoscopic 3D and hence Sony would be betting on its BRAVIA 3D TVs. A killer deal would be a Sony BRAVIA 3D TV and the special edition PlayStation 3 with Killzone 3 game as well as other goodies. Won't you do anything for a deal like this? Now, only if Sony is listening.
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