Apple had refreshed its Mac Mini lineup with three new models. The new Mac Mini models are touted to be equipped withfaster processor, double the memory and offer more storage. However, in India, only two new models are offered: 160GB storage carrying model for Rs. 33,900 ($599 for U.S.) and 320GB storage carrying model for Rs. 43,900 ($799 for US).
Previously, the entry level model gets Intel Core 2 Duo processor boost from 2GHz to 2.66GHz, memory gets updated from 1GB DDR3 (1066GHz) to 2GB DDR3 and storage from 120GB to 160GB. However, there's a price drop from Rs. 36,600 to Rs. 33,900 which also has specs bump.
A higher-end model got processor boost from 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo to 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. Memory got doubled from 2GB DDR3 to 4GB DDR3 but storage remains the same 320GB SATA 5400RPM in it.
Both models have Nvidia GeForce 9400M integrated graphics with 256MB GDDR3 memory inside for best graphics and smoother HD playback. The number of ports in the hinds of the models remains the same - FireWire 800 port, five USB 2.0 ports, mini-DVI out, mini-Display port and VGA output.
Both models have slot-loading Super Multi Drives, built-in Gigabit Ethernet, built-in AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi (802.11n) and built-in Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR.
A high end Mac Mini is also introduced with dual 500GB HDD and pre-configured with Mac OS X Snow Leopard server for $999 (Rs. 48,000 approx.).
Now, it's worth pondering if Dell would introduce zino HD models with higher specifications.
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