Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Yahoo's Front Page Ad Grabs Headlines

Now, we are quite unsure as to what the fuss is all about. If you are the kind who reads newspapers every morning (The Times of India to be precise), you might have been blind not to notice yesterday's on-the-face full front-page ad by Yahoo that appeared in The Times of India.

While it was not the first time that Yahoo has advertised in India, yesterday's full page ad seems to have created quite a stir and we are still perplexed as to why this is. TechCrunch started off the proceedings with a story saying that Yahoo has carried a full front page ad in "India's largest selling daily English newspaper". To be very frank, it sounded more like an advertisement for The Times of India complete with its (impressive) circulation and readership statistics rather than why Yahoo decided to put the ad in there.

As for Yahoo, we re pretty sure this is not the first time Yahoo has put up and ad on The Times of India. Okay, maybe not a full front-page one (this thing costs a lot of money, mind you) but what's the big deal? They just want to reach out to people! And don't you think Google needs some competition? And know what? The Internet is under a new management - or so says Yahoo. Hmmm..

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