Reliance Mobile has announced the launch of the CDMA based Blackberry Tour on its network in India. The latest CDMA offering from the RIM stables, the Tour, will be continued to be sold along with its predecessors -- the BlackBerry Curve 8330, BlackBerry Pearl 8130, BlackBerry 8703 and BlackBerry 8830
The BlackBerry Tour is a high-end CDMA smartphone with a host of multimedia functionalities as well as support for email, social networking and a wide variety of other mobile applications. The phone will be available nationally from Oct. 12 for Rs. 27,990. As a special promotion from Reliance Mobile for pre-booking customers, users will be able to enjoy two months of free BlackBerry Internet Service on Reliance Mobile's CDMA network.
The BlackBerry Tour is a sleek looking device - thanks to its black finish and chrome highlights surrounding its edges. It measures 112mm x 62mm x 14.2mm (L X W X D) and weighs just 130g. A large familiar, full-QWERTY keyboard graces the front along with the2.44" bright, 480x360 resolution display. Other features on the phone include:
- 3.2 megapixel camera with flash, variable zoom, image stabilization, autofocus and video recording
- Full HTML web browser, including support for streaming audio and video (RTSP)
- Advanced media player for videos, pictures and music, a 3.5 mm stereo headset jack and support for the Bluetooth Stereo Audio Profile (A2DP/AVCRP)
- 256MB Flash memory
- Expandable memory via hot swappable microSD/SDHC memory card slot, supporting up to 32GB cards
- Built-in GPS
- BlackBerry Media Sync support
A major drawback will be the lack of Wi-Fi on this one. So, before you get hopping to buy this one, do keep in mind that there is no Wi-Fi support and for data, you will have to stick to Reliance's Internet service.
As mentioned earlier, the Tour can be yours for Rs. 27,990 and will be available staring Oct. 12. For those looking for the two months of free Internet usage, pre-booking begins on Oct. 7!
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